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Humerus Greater Tubercle Locking Plate

Humerus Greater Tubercle Locking Plate

Thickness: 3.2mm
Holes Spacing: 13mm
Material: Titanium

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Humerus Greater Tubercle Locking Plate
Humerus Greater Tubercle Locking Plate
Product Detail
Product NameCodeSpecificationLength (mm)Matched Screw
Humerus Greater Tubercle Locking Plate5602001105 Holes Left/Right44

Cortical Screw 2.7

Cortical Screw 3.5

Locking Screw 2.7

Locking Screw 4.0

Note: choose HC2.9, HC4 0, HA2.7, HA3.5 screws, used for Proximal humerus fixation. (illustration show 5 holes right)

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